Feeling comfortable in your own skin, what does that actually mean? Advertisements show various ways of doing this, including different people with different skin colors and statues, all looking happily into the camera – loving yourself is the theme. But do we really need advertising to tell us that we should be happy with ourselves and our body or appearance?
Feeling good about yourself
We would say that it starts first and foremost with ourselves, without any outside influence. And if you look around you in everyday life, it is also quite easy to recognize when someone is feeling well, because these people simply radiate it. But of course this is not always easy, especially if a skin problem is the cause of the discomfort.
When a skin problem disturbs your well-being
In most cases, the emotional stress caused by skin problems or scaly, itchy areas on the body are the reason for a lack of well-being, we are talking about psoriasis. This is an inflammatory disease of the skin and nails. The causes are still not fully understood and this makes it all the more difficult for those affected. A gluten-free diet is often recommended, but even this does not help everyone. In addition, ointments containing urea as well as bath and light therapies are used. However, it is crucial for all sufferers to always take special care of their skin and to strengthen the body’s own defense system (immune system).
Atopic dermatitis sufferers also experience constant itching, and this skin disease cannot be cured. As with psoriasis, the triggers can be varied, including temperature changes, too frequent washing or stress. The best protection here is also good skin care to compensate for the lack of a natural skin barrier, and ingredients such as urea are recommended to moisturize the skin. Of course, it sounds easier than it actually is in this situation, but those affected should try to distract themselves and focus their attention on beautiful things. After all, the less attention the skin disease receives, the better. The crucial first step is to acknowledge yourself and your skin and develop a positive attitude again.
What those affected and all of us can do to feel more comfortable in our own skin!
1. stress, whether professional or private, is a proven trigger and amplifier of various skin diseases. Relaxation through sport or a walk or simply doing something good for yourself is a very good way to counteract this.
2. exercise actually always helps. Letting go of stress and anger, relaxing and being aware of yourself and your body. Activity releases hormones that put us in a positive mood and give us new energy. In addition, the skin is more moisturized and supplied with blood during sweaty training. This also improves the overall appearance of the skin, a very positive effect, even if you have skin problems.
3. good nutrition has also been proven to help, because “mineral imbalances, oxidative stress or inflammatory processes that take place in our body are often reflected in the appearance of our skin. Many natural food sources rich in antioxidants and minerals can help us achieve radiant and healthy skin. In addition to a balanced diet, our skin also needs sufficient water. It serves as a medium for chemical reactions and metabolic processes, cleanses the body and also helps the skin to eliminate harmful substances.” (Quote: https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/haut-ernaehrung-ia.html)
4. also approach life and its challenges in a positive and life-affirming way. Because positive thinking helps you to be happier and more satisfied.
And so we wish you lots of positive joie de vivre, especially in these often stressful times.