The amazing and flawless truth about our skin from trained nutrition expert Claudelle Deckert
Our skin is a phenomenon; at around 2 square meters, it is our largest organ. It covers us with a tailor-made coat and protects us from external influences. It is our number one sensory organ and allows us to feel touch, tenderness and love. This is no coincidence: the skin and the nervous system are created together with the sensory organs during embryonic development from the same anlage, the ectoderm. It is self-explanatory that all people have the same desire and the same goal. They want to be beautiful and feel comfortable in their own skin.
The skin is the reflection of our soul. This statement is probably known to all of humanity. But if we take a closer look, it is not just a statement that a clever mind came up with hundreds of years ago and put out into the world, but it is the amazing and flawless truth: every emotion is reflected in the face and on the skin. Anger, charm and shyness make our face turn bright red, fear and excitement make it pale and sweaty, horror and happiness make it pop into goose bumps, joy makes it glow and panic makes it ice cold and wet. However, it is not only temporary emotions that are reflected on the skin, but also deeper-seated emotional problems and stress.
The skin always speaks the truth and it is difficult to conceal what we feel and think. It’s practically written all over our face. It is what our counterpart sees of us, it reflects everything that happens inside us.
Our modern and civilized way of life is not exactly the non plus ultra for our skin. We overload it every day with all kinds of environmental influences from the outside and a poor “modern” diet and lifestyle from the inside. We rush through life, we are constantly stressed, we don’t get enough exercise, we hardly have time to spend outdoors, we indiscriminately stuff ourselves with industrial food and, unfortunately, far too much of it. So we shouldn’t be surprised that she cries out here and there and tries to get an earful of various skin irritations and illnesses. “Please help me, stop it!” she wants to tell us. “Give me what I need and I’ll thank you with a beautiful, flawless and radiant dress.” But what does she want from us?
It wants peace and quiet, both mentally and physically. Our skin needs
- interpersonal harmony, cheerfulness and tranquillity
- Sufficient sleep
- Exercise in the fresh air
- Drink 1 ½ -2 liters of pure, non-carbonated water
- Sunbathing in moderation
- Daily consumption of superfoods, e.g. in the form of green smoothies
- Avoiding stimulants such as nicotine, sugar and alcohol
- an intact intestinal flora
- Regular detoxification and purification phases
- Body care with natural products
- an alkaline diet
An alkaline diet would kill several birds with one stone. It strengthens the body from the inside out with a diet rich in vital substances and minerals. It helps to create an intact intestinal flora, i.e. it drives out the bad intestinal inhabitants and creates space for the good bacteria, thus ensuring a healthy intestinal mucosa and a healthy intestinal environment. If the gut is healthy, so are we and this is also reflected in the skin. It helps to cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and ensures a better and deeper sleep thanks to the variety of high-quality foods.
The alkaline diet is not what we know as a normal, balanced and healthy diet. It is much healthier, it is a diet tailored to the human body and gives it exactly what it needs to function optimally. It ensures proper cell and organ function by creating a balanced acid-base balance in the body. Almost everything that nature gives us is alkaline. This includes vegetables, fruit, herbs (especially wild herbs), algae, mushrooms, sprouts, almonds, leafy greens and pseudo-grains. But organic acidifiers such as fruit acids, nuts, seeds and wholegrain cereals are also part of a healthy diet.
Our organism is subject to a self-regulating mechanism, which means that it can control all vital processes and keep them in a healthy balance. For example, there is the water balance, temperature balance, hormone balance and also the acid-base balance. If the ratio of acids and bases gets out of balance, the pH value in the body changes. It now takes measures to restore the optimum acid-base ratio as quickly as possible, which should ideally be around 20:80 in a healthy person. Unfortunately, our modern, civilized diet is not exactly geared towards providing us humans with species-appropriate, alkaline food.
Our supermarkets are full to bursting with industrially produced ready meals with all their preservatives, propellants, softeners, colorants, gelling agents and flavor enhancers, plus processed wheat products, baked goods and pasta, products with refined and artificially hydrogenated fats, sugary foods, juices and soft drinks, all dairy products and processed meat and sausage products, alcohol, cigarettes, and much more. They are all strong acid formers and, when consumed daily, promote an imbalance in the acid-base balance. As acids are highly corrosive and would destroy all cells quite radically and inexorably, they must be neutralized by alkaline minerals in order to render them harmless to the body. These neutral salts, which are produced during neutralization, are simply called slag. The body can cope with small amounts of waste products and excrete them without any problems. But what happens when more acids than bases enter the body through our diet? When the body is overwhelmed with acid floods on a daily basis and the excretory organs such as the lungs, kidneys and intestines are overloaded with excretion? It robs the body of its own mineral deposits. These are located in the bones, blood vessels, in the scalp and above all in the connective tissue. It takes the minerals it needs on loan, so to speak, in the hope that enough alkaline minerals will be supplied with the next meal so that it can finally dispose of and excrete them. However, if only acid-forming foods continue to enter the body, plan B comes into play:
In his need, he deposits the slag in various parts of the body, his favourite waste dumps are again the connective tissue (cellulite), the eyes and joints and so he has to deal with a permanent storage of neutralized acids. Diseases of all kinds now have free rein and the ageing process is greatly accelerated.
Our body has only one thought: the main thing is to keep our heart, blood and brain intact. It wants to protect us, whatever the cost. We would rather risk hair loss, skin problems, migraines, all kinds of chronic inflammation, tiredness, exhaustion, allergies, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, obesity and sleep disorders than let the pH value of our blood slip below 7. Because that would mean the T… well, you know.
It is therefore very important and it should be in our own interest to actively support our body in its tireless work to constantly and permanently protect us in order to reverse the trend towards ageing and illness.
All we have to do is keep our 100 trillion cells well watered and nourished with high-quality food that is full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, secondary plant substances and antioxidants.
The reward of your supportive work will be a fresh, energetic appearance paired with a healthy body, beautiful smooth skin, radiant eyes and a youthful glow.
So, off to the nearest greengrocer!
Let’s go green!