Nutrition tips for healthy nails

Healthy, beautiful nails are a must, and to achieve this, nails and skin need special attention. After all, healthy and strong nails also make our everyday lives easier. It is often not that difficult to support the nails; a healthy and varied diet and good care are often enough. But you can find out exactly what this can look like here:

Causes of brittle nails

If our nails are permanently exposed to high levels of stress, growth can be affected. Repeated or prolonged contact with moisture can also have consequences. Whether it is a moist environment in work gloves, repeated contact with cleaning agents, regular application of nail polish remover or frequent gluing of artificial nails. But whatever the condition, they all provide the basis for the nails to dry out and chip. In medical terms, there are various technical terms for this, such as onychoschisis and onychorrhexis, which differ in the form of nail splitting. Brittle nails combined with discoloration or thickening can also be signs of nail disease. One of the most common causes of nail fungus (onychomycosis) is filamentous fungi, but yeasts or molds can also trigger this type of infection. In the case of an infestation with filamentous fungi, the nail changes usually start at the free end of the nail and then slowly progress towards the nail root. Older people in particular are more susceptible to such infections. In general, nail fungus can affect anyone who comes into contact with the pathogens. In this case, it is important to consult an expert, as nail fungus does not usually go away on its own; on the contrary, it can spread to other nails and skin.

Malnutrition and the consequences

A deficiency or intake of certain foods can, among other factors, have an effect on the growth and health of nails. The nail naturally consists of hard horny substance, keratin, among other things, the formation of which has also been shown to be promoted by a healthy diet. Symptoms such as thin, brittle nails and slower growth can be the result of a permanent deficiency. It is therefore important to take a critical look at the food in your fridge, as it should contain trace elements, minerals and vitamins. A balanced diet with important nutrients should therefore be available. These can be found in vegetables and fruit, among other things, whereas processed foods are of little value.

7 nutrition tips for healthy nails

  1. Foods such as walnuts, lentils and cereals contain a lot of zinc. The trace element is said to promote and support the formation of keratin.
  2. Vitamin A, contained in carrots, kale or pumpkin, for example, boosts the metabolism and thus also promotes the growth process of many cells. This is also crucial for healthy nail growth.
  3. Vitamin B, which is found in soy, spinach, mushrooms and cauliflower, for example, promotes strong nails and hair.
  4. Biotin or vitamin B7, for example in soybeans, oatmeal or nuts, is involved in many processes in the body. This includes the healthy growth of nails. Biotin also strengthens the nails.
  5. Iron, contained in broccoli, pumpkin seeds, sesame or linseed, among other things, promotes oxygen saturation and thus also gives fingernails stability and elasticity.
  6. Silicon (silicic acid) is a component of the nail plate and is therefore essential for nail growth. High amounts of this are found in millet, oats, barley and potatoes, for example. Fruits rich in silicon include strawberries and pears. Silicon is also said to improve the structure of the hair.
  7. A sufficient supply of moisture or water (approx. 1.5 liters) not only makes the skin look firmer and fresher, it also keeps the nails or nail plate smooth and elastic.

However, one or two household remedies are also said to promote healthy fingernails and nails, for example olive oil. Simply dip your nails in it for a few minutes and leave to work. This promotes the supply of moisture in particular. However, care products that focus on moisturizing are also a good tip for healthy nails. These can be easily applied, such as Spirularin nail spray or Spirularin nail serum, and provide valuable care for brittle nails. A cream, on the other hand, is less suitable for nails. You can find more tips and articles on nail health in our ocean pharma guide.

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