Foot care for beautiful and healthy feet, and what experts advise

Our skin and feet are constantly exposed to special challenges. From temperature changes to UV radiation, our skin must be able to regulate itself at all times. What’s more, today’s skin simply has to withstand a lot more: Alcohol consumption, smoking, poor nutrition, low hydration from the inside, too much or too little sunlight and often overly aggressive or frequent skincare. Anyone who stands a lot or is constantly on the move and wears the wrong shoes or shoes that are too tight also puts excessive strain on their feet, which is why they also need special attention. This is because feet are particularly susceptible to moisture loss. Dry skin, calluses and cracks are just some of the consequences. What can we do for beautiful and healthy feet? Here are some great tips from the experts:

Foot care for beautiful and healthy feet

With the first rays of sunshine, we all like to get our open shoes out of the wardrobe again and show off our feet. Unfortunately, they are not always treated well during the cold season. Dry, cracked skin, especially on the heels, doesn’t look particularly good in open shoes. Gentle exfoliation can help here and remove rough patches, dead skin cells and light calluses. A special foot cream or a nourishing and regenerating gel or mousse can compensate for the skin’s lack of moisture. Applied once or twice a day, your feet will gradually regain their beauty. The skin on the feet also needs regular moisturizing and care, but it is often neglected. Especially in tight or non-breathable shoes, the loss of moisture even increases, but unfortunately we often recognize the care error far too late. This also includes foot hygiene. This starts with the simple routine of always drying the feet well, especially in the spaces between the toes. Heavy sweating can also be avoided by wearing the right footwear. And in summer, it is important not to wear closed shoes barefoot. Otherwise, it can not only lead to blisters on the feet. In addition, the skin’s natural protection or oil film is damaged, moisture can escape and bacteria and germs can penetrate unhindered. The result is dry feet and irritated skin. It is important to bring about rapid regeneration in order to strengthen the skin’s barrier function again. Our entire skin, including the feet, needs good care. ocean pharma has developed Spirularin Mousse plus for precisely this purpose. The mousse can be optimally applied and massaged in with circular movements. The double care effect is ideal for very dry skin. In addition to providing essential moisture, it also provides important support for the skin barrier. This means that the microalgae active ingredient spiralin also strengthens the skin’s resistance to bacteria and fungi. And for urgent care, Spirularin Mousse and Gel is also quickly absorbed and does not leave an annoying greasy film. This makes regular foot care fun.

Care tips for beautiful and healthy nails from the expert

Our nails also need regular care. In order to apply the right tips, we asked an expert what to do here. In order to prevent lasting damage to nails and feet, you should also seek help from a podiatrist or podiatry practice in the event of an acute problem.

  1. The most important point is probably not to cause lasting damage to nails and feet during care. This also applies to the popular question of cuticle removal. Podiatrist Anke Niederau has a direct recommendation on this: “Cuticles should only be carefully pushed back and only excess cuticles should be cut off with cuticle nippers. It is important to ensure that these are not completely removed, as they have an important protective function. Otherwise, microorganisms can penetrate and cause an infection.
  2. Healthy, normally grown nails should only be roughly trimmed according to their natural shape. Nail corners of the free nail edge are slightly rounded off with corner nippers to prevent them from catching on the stocking. However, the nails should not be cut out too much, just enough to round off the front edge.
  3. The nail plate is only sanded if the nail is thickened. Cross grooves are not removed if they have been caused by shoes that are too tight, too small or too high. This must be determined in consultation with the medical pedicurist or podiatrist. In this case, the cross grooves usually grow out again on their own as soon as the cause has been remedied.
  4. Thickened or ingrown nails or other nail changes require more than cosmetic pedicure. These should be treated separately or by an expert.”

Questions about nail care, removing calluses or tips for regular foot care? Our experts will be happy to advise you via email:

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