What are skin irritations?

The skin is our largest organ and forms our “protective shield” to the outside world. It protects us from influences such as UV radiation, weather, pollutants and germs. But it also reveals malfunctions on the inside, e.g. a lack of moisture, hormone fluctuations, an incorrect or unbalanced diet, but also psychological problems. It is not said for nothing that the skin is the mirror of our soul. We feel very comfortable in healthy and supple skin, but if there are changes or irritations, we react very quickly with discomfort. But what exactly are skin irritations? According to Rietbrock (N.Rietbrock/B.Keller-Stanislawski/B.Woodcock – Die Haut als Transportorgan für Arzneistoffe, 1990, p.30), these are defined as “immunologically induced intolerance reactions to external influences”, which “can occur in various forms, e.g. burning, itching or unpleasant sensations, redness or long-lasting manifestations such as eczema or blisters, but can also include acne-like changes caused by medication”. There are therefore very extensive forms of skin irritation, some of which we will now discuss in more detail:

… on the scalp

Itchy, dry, flaky and reddened scalps – almost everyone has suffered from this at some time or other and this is particularly encouraged in cooler temperatures, as our scalp is a very sensitive area of the body. According to gesundheit.de, symptoms can occur “if the processes taking place in the scalp are disturbed: Triggers are often external influences such as the sun, cold or hot blow-drying. However, illnesses, hormonal changes, medication or the wrong ingredients can also be the cause”. We often react by scratching, but this in turn brings inflammation-stimulating bacteria to the scalp. These cause additional itching. It is therefore crucial to use products that effectively suppress germs that cause itching, provide the necessary moisture and have a calming effect.

… in the facial area

The skin becomes tight, reddened or flaky. This is particularly visible on the face. The causes are a disturbed skin barrier or inflammation – a reaction to the external influences already mentioned. There is a lack of fats (lipids) and/or moisture. If the skin produces too little oil on its own, it is crucial to provide the skin with sufficient protection and care through appropriate skin care. “Sometimes it is enough to change your skincare habits, choose different skincare products, drink more and eat a more balanced diet to improve the condition of your skin” (quote: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Trockene-Haut#Ueberblick-in-Kuerze:-Trockene-Haut-und-moegliche-Ursachen). However, an expert should be consulted for long-term skin problems, as skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis can also be a cause.

… after hair removal

Razor burn is also considered an irritation of the skin, as itching, redness or even pimples, also known as razor burn, are also caused by external influences (hair removal). Men and women are equally affected by this, albeit in different areas of the body depending on their shaving preference. The main cause often lies in the incorrect use of hair removal products or aids and subsequent care, especially for sensitive skin. If bacteria penetrate the exit point of the hair follicle, the result is bacterial inflammation. For this reason, antibacterial care should always be applied immediately after hair removal, which also moisturizes, soothes and regenerates the skin barrier – for beautiful, smooth skin. Our team of experts will be happy to provide further information by phone or e-mail.

(Image source: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/shutterstock.com)